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Spring Safety Tips for Motorcyclists

Motorcyclist riding in a line along a two-lane asphalt road.


WEST MILTON, OHIO – As the snow melts and the days grow longer, motorcyclists everywhere are itching to get back on the road. Spring brings a sense of renewal but also unique challenges for riders. Here are some essential safety tips to ensure you enjoy the season on two wheels:

  1. Inspect Your Motorcycle. T-CLOCS Checklist. Before you hit the road, thoroughly inspect your motorcycle. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation recommends the T-CLOCS protocol for Tires, Controls, Lights, Oil, Chassis, and Stands. This comprehensive checklist ensures that all critical systems of your bike are road-ready.
  2. Gear Up for Safety. Always wear appropriate gear, including a DOT-approved helmet, gloves, jacket, and boots. Spring weather can be unpredictable, so layer up and be prepared for varying conditions.
  3. Check the Weather. Spring weather can change rapidly. Check the forecast before you depart, and be prepared for sudden showers or temperature drops.
  4. Be Visible. After a winter off the roads, drivers may not be as accustomed to seeing motorcycles. Wear bright clothing and ensure all your lights function properly to increase visibility.
  5. Watch for Road Hazards. Winter can be harsh on road surfaces, leaving potholes and debris. Be extra vigilant, especially in the early weeks of spring.
  6. Refresh Your Skills. If it’s been a while since you’ve ridden, consider taking a refresher course. Even experienced riders can benefit from reviewing the basics after a break. The Ohio Department of Public Safety is an excellent resource for beginners and experienced riders looking to sharpen their skills.
  7. Start Slow. Ease into the season. Start with shorter rides to reacquaint yourself with your bike and the feel of the road.
  8. Maintain Your Motorcycle. Regular maintenance is critical. Check your fluids, tire pressure, and brakes. If you’re uncomfortable doing it yourself, take your bike to a professional.
  9. Practice Defensive Riding. Be aware of other drivers, anticipate their actions, and always have an escape route planned. Defensive riding is crucial for safety.
  10. Enjoy the Ride. Finally, remember why you ride. Enjoy the freedom and the adventure that comes with motorcycling. Ride responsibly and make this spring a memorable one.

Following these tips can ensure a safe and enjoyable start to your riding season. Remember, preparation and caution are the keys to a great ride. Happy spring, and safe travels!

*These tips are compiled from various sources to guide motorcyclists gearing up for spring.